Western Civilization, also known as “The West”, “Western Culture”, “Western Society”, is the Social Norms, Ethical Values (
Humanism), Customs, Culture, Traditions, Political Systems, Law, Artifacts, Sciences, and Technologies that have originated and/or are associated with Europe stemming from the societal foundations of Ancient Greece, Rome, &
Western Civilization is not limited to Europe, as it also includes The Americas & Australasia. Elements of Western Philosophy can be found beyond the West.
The West originates from Ancient Greece where the arts, sciences, and societies
flourished with the birth of Liberty, Freedom, & Democracy. Western Civilization continued to grow and develop throughout
Ancient Rome and the
Byzantine Empire, gaining strong and significant influences & philosophy from Judaea-Christianity, and later flourished again during The
Age of Enlightenment— leading to rapid advancement of education, sciences, & freedoms.
During the early modern era of the 1900’s, Western Civilization was nearly destroyed by & overcame the oppressive rise of Fascism, Nazism, and Communism in WW2 .
The West enjoys the highest degree of broad Freedoms, Liberties, Human Rights, Wealth, Peace, Free Markets, Quality of Life, Healthcare, Education, Sciences, & Technologies in the world.
Today, Western Civilization & Western Philosophies thrive & develop around the world & The West itself, & many other countries as well such as India (World’s largest democracy).